From 100 applications to 1 platform
A while back, I joined an organization where I encountered a deeply chaotic system landscape. There was minimal oversight of the systems in place, their users, or their functionality. The ERP system was unreliable to the point that every reboot risked failure. Compounding the

Send your application errors to Slack!
Why send errors to Slack? And how does it work? I'll show you why and how to send application errors from Azure Application Insights to Slack, and how this gives you a lot of easy accessible insights to what's happening in your solution.
Beware of the AI-powered robots!
Some months ago I ordered 4 micro:bit-based Maqueen [https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2504.html] robots. I also ordered Huskylens AI-cameras and Maqueen Mechanics parts to connect to the robots. The idea was to gather our developers and let them use their skills on
Developer Conferences 2023
It's time to start planning for next years conferences! We've collected some of the best developers conferences around. Hopefully we'll meet at one of the conferences below. January NDC Security 2023 | Security Conference for Software DevelopersNDC Security 2023
Be careful with GUID as clustered index
TL;DR * In a relational database, primary keys are essential. Don't roll without them. * Primary key is by default promoted to the clustered index for the table. * Table rows are physically stored in clustered index order on disk. * An ever-increasing integer key
Azure Functions: ServiceBusTrigger using Managed Identity doesn't wake up when running on consumption plan
Setup: - .NET 6.0 - In-process/isolated v4 function apps - Consumption plan - Managed Identity Background Previously, I wrote a blog post "Azure Function secretless access to Azure Service Bus using Managed Identity [https://blog.novanet.no/azure-function-secretless/]", which describes
Passwordless connection string to Azure SQL database using Azure managed identity
Traditionally, the connection string to the Azure SQL database contains both username and password. Even if you store these credentials in KeyVault, a password needs maintenance/rotation and it might end up in the wrong hands (for instance if sloppy developers keep the password