Recently, I created a custom RTE element style for SharePoint Online. It showed up in the element style list, but did not work. Why?
What I did
.ms-rteElement-HelpIngress {
-ms-name: "Help ingress";
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
Well, I wrote everything in a single CSS rule.
What I should have done {
-ms-name: "Help ingress";
.ms-rteElement-HelpIngress {
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
I should have used separate rules. The element style definition, containing both the element type to be created - in our case a paragraph element - and the style name, needs to live in a separate rule. I have found examples on how to create custom styles that already do this, but do not emphasize the importance of keeping them separate.